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Singapore Angelic Reiki Healing

Reiki courses

Angelic Reiki courses/workshops are generally taught over a weekend to cater for working people but weekday workshops are possible. However, workshops are taught over consecutive days.

Angelic Reiki is not taught one to one, nor via distance learning; Group experience is an essential component.

There are four different workshops available to interested students. If you wish to practice and teach professionally, you have to attend all four workshops. However, for self-development and to heal self, friends and family i.e. if you don't intend on practicing/teaching on a professional basis, you need only to participate in the first two workshops that cover 1st through 4th Degree.

Angelic Reiki 1st and 2nd Degree (click for details)

The 1st and 2nd Degrees is taught in one workshop and is taught over 2½ days (18 hours)  They are never split into 2 separate workshops.
This is the foundation workshop to Angelic Reiki.
There are no prerequisites. Anyone of any age can attend.

To participate in this workshop is to awaken the Healer in you.
Purpose - self development, healing for self, family and friends

Angelic Reiki 3rd and 4th Degree (click for details)
The 3rd and 4th Degree workshop is taught over 2½ days (18 hours) as a combined workshop.
Purpose - additional attunements that allows for further personal development and learn advanced healing techniques
Prerequisites – completed 1st and 2nd Degree

Angelic Reiki Professional Practitioner (click for details)

This workshop prepares you to setup a professional practice. You will be given information on the practice of an Angelic Reiki healer. Many questions regarding the Angelic Reiki healing profession will be answered here and there will be lots of sharing and profound healing as well.

Angelic Reiki Master Teacher (click for details)
This workshop prepares you to teach all four workshops anywhere in the world.

Workshop Overview

This workshop will give you the most perfect gift for you.

This may be to support your own personal healing and spiritual journey,

It may be to open up gifts and spiritual talents,

It may reveal your dharma and life purpose.

It may be to help family and friends or a step on the way to share it with others as a professional healer or teacher.

It may totally change your life.

You may not know, but your Soul knows why it has brought you here.

It will change your DNA, your cells and molecules and activate your Lightbody.

It will enable you to merge more intimately with The Angelic Kingdom of Light.

Kelvin & Christine Core

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Angelic Reiki Courses